Thursday, June 10, 2010


Well, sorry I haven't blogged in forever! It's not like I have any readers... Anyway, I just went to Doe River Gorge last week and had the best week of my life! It is such a wonderful place to make friends and get closer to God. During the week, we did the "Leap of Faith" (which is just a giant telephone pole that you jump off while in a harness), paintball, mountain climbing, and horseback riding. Today, I applied to work there next summer (for 88 days!) and the application was 10 pages long! I guess they need a lot of information, so they don't hire someone crazy (not that I'm not crazy!!!!!). I desperately hope they accept my application and I can work there next year. I keep saying "work", but technically, they don't pay you, it's more of a volunteer thing and if you want money, you have to raise it at your church or something... While I was there last week, 26 people were saved! That means 26 more people are going to Heaven!!!! Woot! Anyway, I'm gonna go, I'm starving!

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