After arriving in Greensboro, NC, and checking into our hotel, my mom and I went to pick up some Happy Hippos (Jordan's favorite treat) before the show.
When we got to the concert (after getting slightly lost and panicking that we wouldn't get there in time for the Meet and Greet), and my mom left. I had to stand in line with about 50 other people that had Meet and Greet tickets. -_- It was freezing, but the people near me were nice and the time went by quickly. Then, it was time to meet HIM! I had been counting the seconds to this moment (since Christmas when I got the ticket) and I had my Hippos. Everything was going to be great. When I got up there, we chatted for a few seconds while he signed some stuff and then it came time to take a picture with him. Dun dun duuuuuunnnn! My camera didn't work! Well, it did work, but he didn't know how to use it, so we stood there for about 2 whole minutes while he tried and tried to take a picture. Finally he got it right, but didn't keep his hand still, so this is the result:

I think it's kinda cute... lol
Anyway, he finally took a normal picture and it was time for him to move on to the rest of the line :(

After Jordan met with everyone in line, he treated us to a little private concert where he sang his new song "Young Forever" acoustic. Part 1:
Part 2:
I stayed inside the club until the concert started (calling my mom every few minutes wondering where she was, because the club was filling up) and took a pic with Jordan's PETA poster (a guy I was in line with wanted to be in the picture too... He's on the far right):

Finally when everyone was packed in so tight no one could breathe, it started. The first band was You, Me, and Everyone We Know. They were ok, but since I was only about a foot away from the stage and the lead singer's pants were very tight, I had a certain male body part of his in my face a lot... Ew. I didn't even bother trying to get pics of that band.
The next band was We Are The In Crowd. They were pretty good, but all I got were pics of the guitarist, because I thought he was cute... lol

After them, The Downtown Fiction played. Let's just say, Cameron Leahy (the lead singer) is both completely insane, and hot... Though you can't really tell in these pics:

Here's just one of his many crazy moments: I was right in the front, so I had his abs in my face the whole time. If I wasn't being crushed by 500 screaming girls trying to touch him, I wouldn't have minded...
When they were done, Allstar Weekend started.

The songs were catchy and they seemed to be the fan favorite so far. Here's 2 videos from the concert of some songs they did (I didn't take these videos, someone else did):
They also sang Britney Spears' "Hold It Against Me" and the lead singer, Zach Porter, held my hand during the song. :)
Finally, Allstar Weekend finished and next came (drumroll please!) The Ready Set! But, first the audience had to wait during a 20 minute sound check. :( Luckily, the 2 people that had been between me and the stage during the entire show, decided to leave, so I FINALLY got to stand against the stage!!! (And put the purse, that I had been holding the entire time, down). Glancing at my mom in the balcony and giving her an ecstatic thumbs up, I breathed a sigh of relief. Since I was up against the stage, I could breathe! In the crowd (even though I had only been one row back) there was no breathing room and the temperature was about 100 degrees. Since it was so hot, everyone was really thirsty, so the roadies doing the sound check were throwing water bottles out into the crowd. Being right up front, I got one handed to me and not thrown. Noticing where the bottle came from and that it had about one sip taken out of it, I remembered Cameron (from The Downtown Fiction) taking a sip of water and throwing his bottle right to where mine came from. I had Cameron Leahy's water bottle in my grasp! If I wasn't so thirsty, I might have saved it, but since it had been about 6 hours and 100 degrees since I had last had water, I drank it (and shared it with about 5 other girls around me). Maybe that's why I have the flu now... lol
The Sound check finally ended and it was then time for The Ready Set to come out. Everyone started chanting "Jordan! Jordan! Jordan! Ready Set! Ready Set! Ready Set!" and they came on stage! Deafening screams were heard for over a minute from 500 fans (me screaming along with them) and they started. Luckily I knew all of the songs and was able to sing along (I didn't know the other bands songs and felt like I was the only one not singing along). It was great! Jordan was a little wary of people touching him all over (like they obviously wanted to, and had been doing with all of the other bands), and kept just out of reach most of the time. He did hold a couple of hands briefly and high five a few people (me included). I took about 8 videos and 60 pictures of him. The stupid smoke machine kept me from taking more, since I couldn't see him when it kicked on. Here's some of the best pics I took:

And some of the videos (Sorry the sound on them is terrible. My camera's mic sucks):
After The Ready Set was done, people cleared out pretty quickly. I had to go and meet my mom by the door and unfortunately didn't get to meet any of the other bands. When I got home the next day (we stayed in a hotel that night) I immediately looked all of the bands up and since then have been obsessively watching their videos on YouTube. Mostly The Downtown Fiction and Allstar Weekend. Here are some of my favorites from each:
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